Friday, February 20, 2009

February 20, 2009

Soooo. It's been, like, a year. I wish I could say that there was some great reason for the absence, and I actually considered inventing one: Government testing becomes mandatory, our plucky heroine forced underground! or Pregnancy scare -- will the baby have fur, or anger management issues? Stay tuned! or even, Did Meg's husband finally lose control and --no, wait, that's not really so funny. Honestly, nothing especially dramatic happened, you know, if you can get around the fact that our normal life goes on with a somewhat dramatic flair. John lost his job, but we sort of knew that that was coming -- the economy sucks, and he was kind of first on the chopping block because of all the sick days. We considered a lawsuit, discrimination or whatever, but lawyers in our area are sort of booked up with similar lawsuits pending all over the place, and lawyers outside our area look at you funny if you try to explain anything about anything in any depth at all, so that's that. We were tense for a bit, but he is now working for an old buddy of his from years ago. The hours suck and the, um, the moral compass of the buddy in question is, well, questionable, but it's a job and they know about John and are willing to accommodate his schedule and so that's all good. I've started substitute teaching a little bit here and there. I taught before our kids were born, and so it's comfortable and it's nice to get out of the sphere of the house every once in a while and it allows me to be flexible. We like things where we can be flexible.

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